
作为英国最大的技术澳博官方网站提供商之一, we have extensive knowledge and experience maintaining buildings and assets in every sector. 这, combined with our investment in 科技nology and facilities such as Mozaic and our Service Operation Centre, means we are uniquely positioned to eliminate disruption and downtime for your business.


Our latest brochure details how Mitie’s experts and unrivalled product offering can support your organisation to return to the 工作场所 safely, productively and efficiently and will guide you step-by-step in the return to work with our extensive Mitie 新型冠状病毒肺炎 assured checklists.



大概有9个,300名员工, 包括1,000名本地移动工程师覆盖每个邮编. Our in-house expertise and national presence provide the full range of engineering services – from mobile and site-based maintenance, 对机电设备进行保养和维修, 远程监控.











We are focused on eliminating downtime and disruption for our customers by applying a proactive, 而不是被动的维护方法. The 科技nology and processes we 设计 and deploy and the teams we create and empower, 是否都是为了提供遵从性, 无干扰的工作环境, 因此,我们的客户可以专注于提供卓越的澳博官方网站, 每一天.

An exemplary maintenance service is one that takes into account all of the key factors that impact any client that has assets supporting their business activity. These include up-time, 能源 efficiency, 碳 impact and whole-life cost. 使用数字化维护澳博官方网站, 我们能够将这些关键因素嵌入到维护机制中.

在Mitie, we have experts in 能源 management and 碳 reduction who support our maintenance teams to ensure that equipment is being managed at optimum efficiency. We consider the impact of specific maintenance cycles on the efficiency of equipment and the environment. Meanwhile our experts in asset planning also ensure that up-time is maintained and asset life-expectancy extended to reduce on-going life-cycle costs.

Supporting the ongoing 交付 of this total maintenance service requires easy access to rich data and we achieve this through the combination of our state-of-the art maintenance platform, 我们的澳博官方网站运营中心和数据分析团队.

Making data actionable can be one of the toughest business challenges to overcome. It is why we use and develop tools that provide our teams and customers a view of data to stay informed and act proactively. 因为我们捕捉到了, 自己存储和分析数据, 而不是依赖于众多的第三方, 我们确保对资产表现有更准确、更连贯的看法.

We connect your key assets to our Service Operations Centre where we monitor, 在问题成为问题之前诊断和纠正问题, 所有都是实时的, 24/7.

用数据通知我们的维护制度, we build digital twins of client facilities and set operating parameters for critical items of plant and equipment. We then use automated monitoring to track the performance of each item against these parameters, 提供任何需要注意的未来问题的早期预警.

我们的澳博官方网站运营中心也允许远程干预, such as bypassing or turning off specific items in order to avoid a building, 完整的设备, 失败. The result is significantly reduced asset downtime, cost reduction and improved sustainability.

我们建立了端到端的维护和维修制度,这些制度简单有效. The principle of end-to-end service includes the efficient gathering of detailed asset data to build a comprehensive database that informs routine planned activity and drives efficiency in reactive repairs.

我们连接我们的澳博官方网站运营中心, 我们的澳博官方网站台团队和我们的工程师到数据库, using state of the art communications tools that ensure we are able to access vital information, 提供指导和更新行动记录, 所有都是实时的.

Building users are able to request a service or report a fault using multiple channels including web-portals, 语音通话或我们的手机应用“Aria”. Our aim is that once a request has been logged there is no need for further client or customer intervention. We ensure that the service or repair is delivered on-time and in-line with our contract terms and provide updates that can be accessed as needed. 这是我们无缝澳博官方网站的精髓.

利用技术和流程创新是至关重要的, but we believe it is all for nothing without human customer relationships. 以客户为中心是我们DNA的一部分. 我们的人使用同理心, passion and determination to understand and anticipate customer needs and provide solutions that make their lives easier because for us, 它的个人.

Our account managers are dedicated; dedicated to our customers and dedicated to providing the best service. 这意味着要积极向前看,改善澳博官方网站, 但也要时刻准备好应对挑战. Our account managers are focused on getting things done as quietly and efficiently as possible.

我们的员工都是各自领域的专家, 用正确的工具武装起来, 正确的数据和组织支持来完成工作. 他们提供有效的现场支持, 积极主动的解决方案, 和简单的, 真诚沟通,让客户信任.


There are significant risks associated with not maintaining buildings during the current pandemic. Mitie 技术澳博官方网站 have formulated a series of practical measures, 旨在解决四种不同的站点状态.

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如果你想了解更多信息, need to talk to someone about an enquiry or want to chat about your service needs, 那你来对地方了.

Please fill in our short form and a member of our team will be in touch.

如果您有供应商查询,请访问我们的专用门户网站 www.mitiesuppliers.com



We offer self-delivered, end-to-end project services, from 设计 and build through to commissioning. 经验丰富的总承包商, we manage and deliver a wide range of 建设 and refit work for our customers, 正好穿过广告, 零售, 工业, 社会和国内房地产部门. 我们的内部能力和专业澳博官方网站包括咨询, 设计, 建设, 交付, 保证管理, 项目管理和风险管理.
